Who Betrayed Zenitsu In Demon Slayer?

who betrayed zenitsu in demon slayer

Zenitsu is one of the most lovable (although perverted) characters in Kimetsu no Yaib: Demon Slayer. As such, one would think nothing much can really make him truly angry. However, we soon learn Zenitsu can take things seriously and fight battles without fear. So, follow this guide to know who betrayed Zenitsu in Demon Slayer.

Demon Slayer – Who betrayed Zenitsu?

Agatsuma Zenitsu has always been the cowardly one in the trio of Demon Slayers. Due to this, we often see Zenitsu disliking becoming a Demon Slayer and going off to fight Demons. Alas, although he is often scared out of his mind when fighting Demon, he does his due diligence. Due to Zenitsu’s cowardly nature, as you can expect, he doesn’t have many friends. So, who could have betrayed Zenitsu? That person is Inadama Kaigaku.

Kaigaku is a former Demon Slayer trained to become the new Thunder Hashira. As such, he was Zenitsu’s senior training under the former Thunder Hashira Kuwajima Jigoro. However, although Kaigaku is Zenitsu’s senior, he is even more cowardly than him. The clear difference is that Zenitsu cares for others and genuinely wants to protect them.

Kaigaku, on the other hand, although he is arrogant, is quick to give up and surrender when facing a strong enemy. However, this is not the reason why Zenitsu has a strong dislike for him. Although Zenitsu still respects Kaigaku, he can’t forgive him for making Jigoro (who Zenitsu calls Gramps) commit seppuku for becoming a Demon.

This is because Zenitsu is an orphan; the person who took him in and taught him Thunder Breathing was his Gramps. Although they did not have any blood relation, Zenitsu was hurt and enraged by Kaigaku’s actions causing Gramps to die in dishonor. Thankfully, during the Infinity Castle Arc, in Chapter 146, Zenitsu can avenge his master.

And with that, we conclude our guide on who betrayed Zenitsu in Demon Slayer. If you liked this guide, we have plenty more you will enjoy. Check out Will Tanjiro’s Sword Turn Red In Demon Slayer? Or Who Was Mitsuri In Love With In Demon Slayer?


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