To You, In 2000 Years In Attack on Titan Mean?

to you in 2000 years from now attack on titan meaning

Attack on Titan is known for its brilliant writing from Hajime Isayama. However, at the start of the anime, many fans were puzzled by the title of episode 1. The title reads “To You, In 2000 Years” With this title launched many fans into detective mode now that the manga has ended and the anime is nearing its finale; we’ll explain what To You, In 2000 Years in Attack on Titan means.

Attack on Titan – What does To You, In 2000 Years mean?

To start, what does “To You” mean? At the start of the anime, we see Eren having a dream/nightmare. At this point, we barely had any information and didn’t know what this meant. We soon learn that Eren receives this “dream” from Ymir, the Founding Titan. However, when you look closely at this “dream,” it was actually events from the future.

As you already know, the Attack Titan can see past and future events, and Eren did not have this ability yet. However, Ymir already knew Eren would be the next holder of the Founding Titan and sent those dreams to Eren. So, before continuing, we need to see more about Ymir.

We first meet Ymir as a slave, and one day was accused of theft and sent to be hunted down and killed. Through this, she found a hollowed-out tree and used it to hide away. It was in this tree that she obtained the Power of the Titans. Now it’s important to note that even with the Power of the Titans, she continued to have a slave-like mindset. Because of this, she will always do what she is told.

From You, 2000 Years Ago

Now, as we learn more about Eren, we know he will do anything he sets his mind to. When Eren received Ymir’s message in To You, 2000 Years from now in Attack on Titan, likely, he didn’t know what it meant. However, as Eren had more contact with the Fritz family, everything began to make sense.

As seen in the anime and manga, Ymir is a slave to the Fritz family. Even in death, she continues to make the Titans for over 2000 years. We also see that Ymir has some connection to Mikasa. In the final chapters of the manga, we learn why this is. Ymir was never able to free herself, not from her mindset (she loved King Fritz) and not from King Fritz. In this episode, we also learn that Ymir was the person who led Eren toward this path.

Ymir also knew Mikasa was stronger than her, and by following her, she could free herself through Mikasa. How did she do this? We already know that Ymir has some resentment towards being a slave, and Mikasa could do what she always wanted to do. Mikasa was able to kill Eren. We believe this is when Eren wakes up from his “dream.”

What can we take from this? Based on all this information, it’s likely that this could have been Ymirs plan from the beginning. She influenced Eren with that dream, and for Eren to protect his friends, he chose to die a villain. Everything happened in a full circle, the To You, In 2000 years from now was Ymir’s message to Eren; and From You, 2000 Years From Now was Erens message to Ymir.


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