What are Man-Eaters in Heavenly Delusion?

what are man-eaters in heavenly delusion

Heavenly Delusion, or Tengoku Daimakyou, has been one of the most puzzling anime series in the Spring Anime 2023 line-up. The anime is shifting between two timelines, the Takahara Academy and Maru’s search for heaven. At first, one would think these two events are happening simultaneously; however, recent episodes have proved them separate. As a result, we now know what the Man-Eaters are in Heavenly Delusion. So, follow this guide to find out.

Heavenly Delusion – What are Man-Eaters?

Since the beginning of Heavenly Delusion, fans of the gruesome anime have been wondering what the Man-Eaters are. These grotesque monsters (along with some wildlife) have put our main characters, Kiruko and Maru, in severe life-threatening situations. These monsters are called Hiruko but are called Man-Eaters by various characters. The name will change depending on the area our main protagonists travel to.

But what are Man-eaters? They are the Takahara Academy’s children. When the children die after being affected by an autoimmune disease, they will turn into the Hiruko. As a result, the Hiruko will have the abilities the children once had when in the Takahara Academy.

The Hiruko are immortal; as a result, many of the characters have a hard time killing them. These creatures will feed on humans as their primary source of energy. We also see that they can go into a hibernate state without food sources around them. However, once they sense food, they become more active.

And with that, we conclude this guide on what are the Man-eaters in Heavenly Delusion. If you enjoyed this guide, be sure to check out our others! Check out, Does Deku become a villain in My Hero Academia?


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